Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Thursday throwback

Two old photos of me, framed at my grandmas house.
I think I'm around 14 on the left and maybe 11 on the right?

I have two thoughts on this, and in order they are:
1) Arrrrrrrrrgh OMG OMG OMFG aaaaaargh
Those bangs. Those awful, horrible, craptastic bangs!
They were so massive, and so unflattering on me! They make my cheeks look even worse than they already are. And since my hair has a tendency to get crazy amounts of volume when provoked even the slightest by wind, I looked like the 80s threw up on my forehead most of the time.
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did no responsible adult ever take me aside and explain to me how unflattering they looked on me?

2) Did my hair change colour or is the left picture from a winter and the right from a summer?
The sun has a tendency to lighten that dark blonde/light brown colour hair (Called "leverpostej" in Denmark)
It could be a bit of both. I'm fairly sure I had no sign of my beloved redness before in my late 20s, so maybe my hair changes colour from time to time?

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