Kamis, 03 Desember 2015

Christmas calendar content

This doesn't really deserve a post of its own, but I still want to show it off!

Hmm. I wonder if this one will contain any hair products?
Bodyshop does have some hair stuff, but to be honest I'm not familiar with their products at all.

1st: Pink grapefruit shower gel.
Yum! This one smells awesome. Totally mouth-watering!

2nd: Strawberry lipbalm.
I had to check on the inside of the lid for today just to make sure it was a lipbalm and not an exfoliator or something, as it didn't say on the product. This one smells really awesome too. It actually smells like real strawberry, not that nasty, artificial "strawberry".
Unfortunately I wont be using it at all. I hate balms in little pots like this. What am I supposed to do? Use a finger to apply it and then wipe my finger clean on my pants? Carry around a little applicator brush separately, so that one can get all nasty in my bag? Just try to stick my mouth into the pot? Yuck.

3rd: Tea tree toner.
Hmm, yea, I have nothing positive about this one. First of all, it smells so much of tea tree. Like getting smacked in the face by a tea tree branch. No way I would use that. Second, it violates my rule of sensitive skin to avoid "purposes" and adjectives in my products. This one is all about "clearing" and "blemished skin". Looking at the ingredient list (Okay, points for having it on the product and in a font size you can actually read!) the second ingredient is alcohol denatured which is a strong irritant. It also contains citral, which is a fragrance and has some safety concerns. Almost at the bottom of the list I find tocopherol which is both an irritant and can cause acne. Will not use.

So that's 2 out of 3 products directly in my discard pile. D'oh.

(I just realized that the background looks kind of weird. It's a bomb replica from Fallout. It came with the Fallout anthology that I got Hubby for his birthday)

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