Sabtu, 19 Desember 2015


I just chipped my last intact comb and realized I have found a bizarre new milestone.
My hair is now so long that when I put a comb down while doing my hair, I always have this annoying, sneaky little strand stuck in it. No matter how much I try to make sure it's not there, I always end up pulling it when I continue handling my hair and then *bang* goes the comb on the floor.

Weirdest milestone yet.
And now I need new combs.

Huh. I went looking for my lesser good replacement combs and found two broken ones in a drawer. Why have I kept these??

Look how identical the damage is to all the combs!
It's pretty obvious that they get tipped over the edge of a table and then drop on one side.

This is my second "destructive" milestone. I had one around the time where ponytails was the only updo I could do at all. I broke crazy many elastics! When my hair became long enough to do a self-stabilising bun it really took the strain off the poor elastics.

So I'm in the market for new combs and of course I would like some nice, hair friendly and high end ones again. But if I'm going to murder all my combs like this, it would be a huge waste of money to get some expensive ones. They don't get more resistant to being dropped on the floor just for getting pricier!

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