Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

2015 in hindsight: Beauty

A good, full set of eyebrows is still the best accessory and I hope it stays that way in 2016. I've maintained a soft, K-pop inspired arch and kept them almost natural.
It appeals to my lazy side: I just need to clean up the unibrow with a slight tilt at the edges (Opens up the space of my forehead) and remove the worst strays and voila, done. 

My skin continues to confuse and aggravate me. This year I tried to keep a journal of my skin (Mostly just a number /10 of how well my skin was behaving that day) to see if I could find a hormonal or dietary problem, but no such luck. It seems completely random. 
I had expected problems around Christmas from a combination of fatty foods, way too many chocolaty sweets and and that time of the month. But nope. That doesn't trigger my skin. 
So what the #"+{[¤%&/#":\£@ does??
Anyways. Still hopelessly in love with the maximaslist Korean skincare routine. It does help my skin. (Funny how the minimalist benign neglect is the best for my hair and scalp, and yet my skin loves the time and effort-consuming Korean skincare?)

Happy, glowy skin. No makeup needed.

Itchy, red and pissed off skin.

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