Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

Length goals 2016?

So. It seems I'm still firmly at top calf.
I've been at "top calf-ish" since the end of 2012 or so!

This is from December 2012:

Actually my hair was longer than now, but much thinner at the ends in April 2014.

So since I've been around the same length for the past 3 years, maybe it's time to either make a structured attempt to get more length or to suck it up and maintain around here.
I have around 40 cm to floor, so even if I got my full growth every month with no trims, theoretically it would take me over two years to get near floor length. And by then my hair would probably be very thin and sad at the ends. I just don't think my hair could get that long at all. And even if it could, I think I would dislike the end (Hah hah) result.

Either that or cut back to mid thigh, which was the length I enjoyed the most!
It was a lot easier to care for because I could detangle in one smooth sweep and didn't have to partially comb, lift up the ends and comb the rest. I didn't have to put my braid over a door handle to braid the ends either. And it was still plenty long to do all the awesome length-consuming updos I want to do!

So the 3 options for 2016 are:
  1. Attempt for more length: Make a good, solid haircare plan and stick to it. Get out of the benign neglect routine and give my hair some more love, especially the ends. Structure my use of treatments and oils. No trims, only S&D.
  2. Maintain: Trim off 1,5 cm each month and continue my usual benign neglect-haircare.
  3. Return to mid thigh: Gradually trim off my gained length for the month plus some. I'm something like 20-25 cm below fingertip length, so if this was a goal for the end of 2016, I would have to trim off (20 +12 x 1,5) / 12  = 3 cm each month. 
Hmm. Wow. The last one is pretty depressing, isn't it? Just 3 cm off every month for a year and I have removed all my growth for the year plus an extra 20 cm.
No wonder "Growing your hair 101" step 2 is to avoid the hairdresser. (Step 1 is of course to avoid heat and chemicals and step 3 is to adapt a benign neglect routine)

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