Senin, 04 Januari 2016


The sweet and awesome Charlaine contacted me after reading my complaints about breaking my combs and offered to send me a Ouidad double detangler.
So sweet!!

I suggested we did a swap and Charlaine agreed to it. Also I got permission to write about it!

She is also sending me her favourite conditioner: Ultra Doux avocado and shea butter oil.
Sounds good!

I think this one goes under the name "Respons" here?

Looks familiar, right? 
I haven't seen an avocado and shea butter oil one before though! 
So I'm looking forward to try it.

It was a bit difficult to find something Charlaine would be interested in since her hair and scalp is very different from mine, and her skin is every bit of difficult as mine.
Some day I need to find someone who has "normal", easy skin and get them to take my enormous pile of skin stuff that I can't use myself. Haha.
I did find some things in the end though.

All pretty and wrapped up including a card.
I really like swaps so I always put too much effort into wrapping it up and stuff, lol.
I added a little extra thing (Middle package) that I have absolutely no idea if Charlaine will like or not.
Can't wait to hear from her about that!

This is the problem with having everything wrapped up and ready to go: I always find something extra to add!
Cute little handmade chocolates and a scalp scaler that didn't really work for me. It would be nice if it worked for Charlaine, but if it doesn't: No big loss.
That's the beautiful thing about swaps :)

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