Senin, 18 Januari 2016

Swap, part III

Charlaine received her package!
The waiting and hoping that your friend receives the parcel is the worst part of swapping, so it was a huge relief it arrived in one piece.

Pictures borrowed with permission from Charlaine's facebook.

Bottom right is the little extra I added (And debated endlessly if I should add it or not!): A golden Evita Peroni "Fakkare"

She looks happy, so it makes me very happy.

(Note to self: Teach Hubby to be creative with taking pictures too. He could learn a thing or two from Charlaine's hubby!)

Charlaine says the clip only works in a rather messy bun, but I'm still happy it does work for her. Those Ficcare-shaped clips can be really tricky to get to work, which is why I debated for so long whether I should add it or not.

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