Sabtu, 10 September 2011

The Bathroom

Introducing a new category!
When I first started this blog, I wanted it to be about (my) hair. But the sad fact is that it’s not very exciting for me to blog about it. As much as I like writing, I like blogging and I like my hair, there isn’t much of a thrill in it.
So I’m introducing The Bathroom: Non-hair beauty entries.

As I mentioned Wednesday, I ordered some stuff from
This might be of interest to the Swedes reading this: At the moment some Libresse products comes with a 100 kroner discount code if you buy for over 500 kroner.
I didn’t plan to spend any “extra” money this month with 3 sets of Ketylos and an expensive calculator coming my way, but I just couldn’t say no to some girly products with a discount. Especially since they have a nice selection of nail wraps and I’ve wanted to try those for some years, but just never got around to it.

My order arrived today:
  • 2 sets of nail wraps
  • 3 funky nail polishes
  • French tips
  • Gym shirt
  • Puma Jam deodorant (Have loved all scents Puma ever made!)
  • Slightly bronzed blusher (Been wanting an in-between blusher for a while now)
  • (And a free magazine)

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