Selasa, 27 September 2011


So I emailed Keavin of Ketylo yesterday and got the reply today.

My message was:

Hello Kevin,

I bought 3 sets of large corian ketylos through the group order for the LHC&UTT group on Facebook that Lisa Carter was manager of.

Today I was going to use a speckled blue pair for the first time and one of the sticks broke in my bun, forming a sharp edge and cutting my scalp. (The stick then further broke after I threw it on the floor. There might have been some cursing involved *Cough*)

I’m attaching a picture of the sticks after the breaks.

Are the corians more brittle than the dymondwood? (Which I have 3 pairs of too) Or have I just been unlucky that one of my sticks have been stressed and fractured somehow?

The dymondwood sticks have served me and my thick knee length hair for many years so I’m naturally scared of my scalp since corian sticks have failed on only the second time I ever used any of them!

I hope to hear from you,

Best regards,

His reply:

Hi Ida, sorry to hear about your experience with the corian. Corian is not a strong material and should only be used in updo styles that dont require a lot of bending or twisting. Dymondwood is much stronger and unlikely to break easily. The thicker and longer your hair is would suggest that you may want to use thicker sticks that are less likely to break. The wood and dymondwood are probably the best for you. Thanks and blessings, kev

I’m pretty disappointed in his reply to tell the truth. He didn’t even answer my questions! I’m not even sure what he is trying to say here? There is nothing wrong with his sticks; it’s my hair that’s too heavy? “Buy my dymondwood sticks instead”? That I shouldn’t use corian sticks in buns at all because they are twisted and bent? Eh?

We’re talking about a hair stick that I didn’t even get to finish putting in my bun before it broke and that cut my scalp open, so I guess I had expected an offer of replacement or a discount code for next purchase or something? The common opinion when I posted about the accident on Facebook was that Kevin would offer a replacement or something, but I guess not? I guess Kevins opinion is that I shouldn’t use corians at all so therefore I won’t be offered a replacement?

Disappointing when you’re dealing with someone who is known for having such a great customer service.

Anyways. I’m not really sure what to do now. I spent 101$ + the Paypal fee on these sticks. One is now broken and I’m not sure I even want to put the rest in my hair anymore. I could always put them on the trading board, but I’m honestly not sure I want to pass something that was inferior onto someone else.

And it really, really irritates me that he ends his email with “blessings”. I know he mean it as something positive, but who says I want it? Who says I’m the same religion as him? Who says I want to be blessed at all? Would he not be extremely offended if I ended my email with “Satan loves you”?

I know it may seem as a small thing to be annoyed about, but it’s something that is so easily avoided by not being claustrophobically narrow-minded and automatically assuming the rest of the world is the same religion as you and would just love to be “Blessed”.

Bah. Yea, I’m sorely disappointed.

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