Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

Today's toes

I have a bunch of stuff on my have to do-list. And a bunch of stuff on my nice to do-list.
So what do I do?

I decide it's time to tramp up my toes.
Or rather, tartan up my toes I guess?

On a happy note, I finally "tamed" that cool nail decal transfer kit I bought ages ago.
Step 1: Throw away that awful, cheap white polish that came with the kit and was supposed to go under the design to make the pattern stand out. Why didn't I figure this out sooner? That awful thing never seemed to harden no matter how long I left it to dry.
Step 2: Allow each layer a lot of time to dry. I fitted an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force in between each layer, so like 12 minutes between each.

Favorite episode.

Ugh. Even this post turned into procrastination.

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