Senin, 27 Juli 2015


I’ve been referred to on a website. This is nothing new by now, but the article my post is referred to in is surprisingly good. Most of the times when people write articles about “How to grow long hair” it’s full of BS pseudo-science and a "logic" that makes me facepalm.
This one is sober, useful and actually debunks a few of the stupid myths out there.
The website does sell 5000 mcg biotin supplements, but meh, I’m okay with it actually.

Here’s a link. Give them a visit :)

This brings me to another post I found recently: Your Biotin Might Not Be Working, Unfortunately
”Some derms still recommend biotin, since it’s not harmful to take” made me cringe, but the rest is a decent read.

Which brings me to yet another link: What’s the harm in vitamin megadoses?
Fascinating (and weird) website in general!

Think I’ll add the last two links to my infamous biotin rant… 

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