Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Pity party

I’m sick. It sucks. I blame hubby.

No, actually I blame myself. And irony.

Hubby has been sick for a week or so. Coughing and running a fever. I’ve been nursing *cough* babysitting *cough* him and he was worried he would get me sick too. Since it had been about a week since he started getting sick and I was feeling absolutely fine Wednesday when he last worried about it, I said “I think whatever you have can’t get me. Otherwise I would have been sick by now.”

Obviously that was tempting faith and/or irony?

I woke up feeling snotty Thursday. Today, Friday, I have a high fever; I’m snotty, sneezing, freezing and absolutely miserable.
To add insult to injury I should have been to Malmö with Biologist friend this morning and out for a steak and a stand-up comedy show later today with everyone.

The built in webcam in the purple laptop doesn’t do my bright red nose justice. I could win the Rudolf the Rednosed Snotdeer lookalike competition right now.


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